Down Syndrome

What is the Triangle Down Syndrome Network?

You may have read some of Dr. Layton’s Ask the Expert articles we have featured on the ELF Talk section of our website. These articles, such as Ask the Expert: Play and Learning and Ask the Expert: Executive Function and Children with Down Syndrome were originally published in the Triangle Down Syndrome Network’s newsletter. If you were […]

Quiz: Down Syndrome III

This is the third of our Talk and Total quizzes on the subject of Down syndrome and how it relates to child development. To browse through all of our quizzes on this topic and others, visit our Quiz Page: Browse our other quizzes.

Quiz: Down Syndrome II

This is the second of our Talk and Total quizzes on the subject of Down syndrome and how it relates to child development. To browse through all of our quizzes on this topic and others, visit our Quiz Page: Browse our other quizzes.

Quiz: Down Syndrome I

This is the first of our Talk and Total quizzes on the subject of Down syndrome and how it relates to child development. To browse through all of our quizzes on this topic and others, visit our Quiz Page: Browse our other quizzes.

Jane Ball Interviewed for Garner TV

Long-time Talk and Total parent, Jane Ball, was interviewed for Garner TV’s program, Around Town.  Produced monthly for the Town of Garner NC, the show airs on Garner’s Channel 11, on their website at, and also from their YouTube channel. March’s edition featured the interview with Ball. The interview, conducted by Mayor Ronnie Williams, […]

Civitan Club Shows Appreciation for Special-Education Teachers

Dr. Layton recently spoke at the Garner Civitan Club, regarding the special-education needs of children in China. The Garner Civitan Club holds an annual dinner honoring the special-education teachers of the Garner, NC area schools. This year’s event featured not only Dr. Layton’s talk, but also a talk given by Talk and Total parent, Jane […]

Connecting "Families to Families" in China

The YangAi Parent Club Guangzhou, China, invited a family with a Down syndrome child to visit and meet with families and professionals at their center. The YangAi Parent Club is attempting to connect families to families. Therefore, they invited the Ball family: Douglas, Jane and daughter, Caroline, to visit their center. Plans are underway to […]

Children with Down Syndrome: Communication Issues

I wanted to share an article I wrote about communication issues among children with Down syndrome. It was originally published in the TDSN Newsletter, and it is available on their web site at This article discusses the speech, hearing, and language behaviors in these young children. It also discusses several intervention approaches that are […]

What is the Learning Process?

How do children learn? I have discussed it some in the article, Working with Down Syndrome: Q&A. Now I would like to describe this process further, and how it applies to children with Down syndrome. More of our treatment procedures are also included.

Working with Down Syndrome: Q&A

Often we are asked questions about how we provide treatment for children with Down syndrome.  The following is a series of questions and answers to help families, professionals, and educators regarding our approach to working with these children.